Saturday, March 31, 2007

Christian Heritage Party

As I have recently returned from a trip up North, I could not help noticing all the signage for the Christian Heritage Party as I traveled along the road. Now, as strong believer in the democratic process, I have no problem with the propagation of their beliefs. What I do take issue with is spreading their message with the name Christian Heritage Party, more specifically the words Christian & Heritage
First, I have a problem with the name Christian in any party because Christianity holds such a broad spectrum of beliefs that to say that all Christian believe in the same policies of one party would be absurd. Not all Christians believe that same sex marriage is wrong! Not all Christians believe abortion is murder! Not all Christians believe that the Capitalism of the west is a blessing from God! So to use the name Christian in a political name is quiet offensive to us that do not hold your views
Second, the word Heritage in the name insinuates that it is founded on long standing Christian principles. Christianity has been evolving since day one and it continues to mature today. We no longer support slavery, crusades, or segregation and not all Christians supported these practices when they were commonly accepted as OK. So it is impertinent to assume that your political beliefs are based on the Heritage of ALL Christians. We all come from varying backgrounds and Heritage’s; therefore, we all have a different heritage.
It is with this that I believe it would be better suited to call your political party the Ultra Conservative Fundamentalist Party or maybe the Minority View of Christianity Party, but please be considerate of your fellow believers that do not hold your view, and do not market yourselves as the Christian party. Please do not try and include all Christians within your belief system for we are quite diverse in our beliefs and function better because of it.

Cutty Sark

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